About Us

Who We Are

Vidyanidhi  Kamala  Raheja  Junior  College Of  Vocational  Studies  (HSC  Voc.) was founded in 1990 to equip students with skillsets that would help them establish themselves at an early stage in life.


The building blocks

Electrical Technology

It deals with all machines, tools, devices, and systems giving the knowledge about latest technologies and updates.

Electronics Technology

It is the application of scientific theories and principles in the design, production, installation, testing, service, use, and control of electrical and electronic parts.

Construction Technology

It involves collection of innovative tools, machinery, modifications, software, etc. used during the construction phase of a project that enables advancement in field

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Vidyanidhi Kamala Raheja Junior College Of Vocational Studies (HSC Voc.) was founded in 1990 to equip students with skillsets that would help them establish themselves at an early stage in life, following the footsteps of Skill India.

USM's Vidyanidhi Kamala Raheja Junior College Of Vocational Studies

Vidyanidhi Bhavan 1, Vidyanidhi Marg,

N.S. Road No. 5, J.V.P.D. Scheme,

Vile Parle (W), Mumbai 400049.

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